Championing Employee Engagement when Remote Working
When it comes to employee engagement and talent acquisition, I have always been a loud voice and advocate for remote working, and I genuinely believe I forever will be! With the big firms shouting from the rooftops to get teams...
Let’s talk Family Friendly
We all know nurturing a Family Friendly culture supports wellbeing, encourages work life balance, builds loyalty, increases retention and shows your commitment to inclusion… the list goes on.
Building a force of women in tech
Diversity, inclusion and equality are no longer buzz words. Businesses have to show they can to talk the talk and walk the walk! Everyone wants to do it, but very few know the how, the when and the what to...
What’s covered in the MOT
Please download my one-pager that explains what is covered in the MOT: Policy and compliance audit! This MOT will never not be relevant and this is why: Policies, people data and contracts are what I like to call ‘transactional’ HR....