Championing Employee Engagement when Remote Working

Championing Employee Engagement when Remote Working

When it comes to employee engagement and talent acquisition, I have always been a loud voice and advocate for remote working, and I genuinely believe I forever will be!

With the big firms shouting from the rooftops to get teams back into the office, we have seen people voting with their feet to prioritise their work-life balance and find employers that facilitate and flourish in remote working structures.

I have recently watched the recruitment market swing from fully remote to hybrid to full-time office working; I cannot help but think that we have taken 10 steps back in the transformation of workplaces in 2024.

Now I am not ignoring the value of working on-site, and there are many roles that must be done in-person. I cannot devalue the effectiveness of face to face team meetings, training and knowledge sharing. However, as the search and hunt for incredible talent becomes tougher, it seems counter intuitive to narrow the net for talent with inflexibility.

I have seen this time and time again: Remote working highlights extremely quickly the gaps and shortfalls in the employee experience and it is actually a brilliant way to review your business and implement incredible steps that will pay dividends.


Consistent communication

Well, this is like Wi-Fi – you only notice it when it goes wrong! Communication has to be worked on daily, and it truly has to be lead from the core of your business. Consistent communication builds trust, engagement and productivity.

Championing communication avoids misunderstandings, ‘I thought you knew’ situations and gives teams the confidence to voice opinions. It really is a magic wand.

Management excellence

A tale as old as time: managers will continue to be unsung heroes in a business – managing upwards, managing their teams, managing their own workload, the list goes on. Invest in managers.

They are crucial to provide clear direction, encourage effective communication and champion teamwork and success. Give them the skills to flourish, support their development and recognise their incredible commitment.

Business culture that is transformational and successful is not a one-size-fits-all and it does not happen overnight. Genuine employee engagement and incredible culture is a game of Tetris and then BAM you realise your efforts have creating something incredible! Start with these little gems above – you won’t go wrong!

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