These HR MOTs are a powerful tool to get peace of mind on certain areas of your business and your practices.

Ranging from 1 to 2 days, depending on what you want to cover, this MOT consists of deep diving into your chosen MOT and reviewing what is currently in place. Following from this deep-dive a full recommendations report is created and professionally formatted, ready for you to use with great things you are currently doing, quick wins for change and recommended improvements.


Check out how our HR MOTs work

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The Full Monty

End-to-end process and people assessment
From resourcing to induction, benefits, and rewards at 5 years of service, this MOT reviews the complete journey of an employee through your organisation and, the top areas where you are winning plus those where engagement or effectiveness can be boosted. For example, you may be seeing unduly high employee turnover in the month after 6 months’ completion of service. What’s behind this? This MOT will provide an in-depth look into the key engagement points for your people, the ultimate aim being to drive motivation and performance, streamline your processes and build proactive checkpoints into your people agenda.
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People strategy and key outputs

People strategy and key outputs
With this MOT we determine the effectiveness of your people and in the process of doing so, identify key opportunities to add ‘quick wins’ and commercial value throughout the workforce – each one aligned with your culture and values. This MOT is a great starting point if the People agenda needs an energy boost and a strategic direction with tangible outputs.
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Talent pool, succession planning and company-wide training

Talent and Training
This MOT goes under the hood of your cross skilling, upskilling and organic developmental growth to ensure that training is aligned with the strategic goals of the business and the career objectives of your people. It can focus on one priority area, offering powerful but easy to implement solutions for example, or it can broaden into key objectives such as ensuring that the skills of your people are future proof. Product, management, and soft skills training can be bolted on to create a curriculum of ongoing investment for excellence and learning.
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360-degree review

360-degree review
From looking at your annual reviews, satisfaction surveys, KPI setting and client feedback this intensely practical audit of your performance reviewing pillars will pinpoint areas of improvement. It will highlight any inefficiencies or process inconsistencies. The performance checkpoints for your people should focus on building trust, recognising great work, agreeing personal career goals, and instilling motivation. And more! During this MOT, potential gaps in training and knowledge are often uncovered so, if required, a development review can be added as a follow on.
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Policies, compliance, and contract audit

Policies, compliance, and contract audit
Based on the traditional foundations of HR this MOT is best used as a review to ensure you are compliant with the data you hold for your people and the literature you use. We will ensure that all legislative updates have been ticked off.
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Your org chart, challenging areas, and new teams

Your org chart, challenging areas, and new teams
Reviewing your organisation’s design and structure with a comprehensive approach to job descriptions, team succession planning and long-term business objectives. This MOT can focus on making recommendations for improving teams, building collaboration of the organisation as a whole or looking at the drivers that will improve client service. It can be used to provide advice on the optimum way of creating new departments. We can drill deeper into areas of challenge or concern to find solutions or, review the structure of your organisation for a broad and holistic analysis.